Coaching Supervision

Supporting the development of professional coaches

Coaching Supervision supports the development of professional coaches. The key role of Coaching Supervision is to provide coaches a safe space to reflect and explore their work as a coach, get support and be challenged in a supportive way.

Coaching Supervision is, depending on the coaching organization, either mandatory (e.g. EMCC and AC) or strongly recommended (ICF). Coaching Supervision can be significantly beneficial also for people who aim to become professional coaches or work as internal coaches.

The core of Coaching Supervision is reflective learning that supports and enhances coach development.

Regular Coaching Supervision can

  • enhance self-awareness

  • strengthen self-confidence

  • enhance ability to reflect on own coaching work in an objective manner

  • support building own coach identity

  • support wellbeing and renewal as a coach.

ICF members can when renewing their coach accreditation use Coaching Supervision hours up to 10 hours.


”Who you are is how you coach.”

(E. Murdoch)

“Supervision is a joint endeavor in which a practitioner, with the help of a supervisor, attends to their clients, themselves as part of their client practitioner relationships and the wider systemic context, and by so doing improves the quality of their work, transforms their client relationships, continuously develops themselves, their practice and the wider profession.”

(Shohet & Hawkins, 2012)

The topics explored in Coaching Supervision are typically

  • different client cases

  • questions related to coach development

  • questions related to coaching practice

  • questions related to coach ethics.

Coaching Supervision can be organized in 1-1 and group basis.

Thinking Time uses in Coaching Supervision various approaches, such as systemic, humanistic, embodiment, Mindfulness and Gestalt methods, which are used flexibly and creatively, to support the needs of the coach/group.

“It is not the hours of coaching a practitioner has but the quality of the reflection that we do on those hours that makes the difference between a good practitioner and a great one.”

(Clutterbuck et al., 2016:265)

Coaching Supervision on 1-1 basis

Coaching Supervision on 1-1 basis is an intensive way of support that is based on the needs and goals of the coach. Coaching Supervision relationships on 1-1 basis are typically long-lasting and can last for years. The Supervision sessions are 60 minutes long, on average 4-6 times per year. The sessions are organized virtually. 1-1 Supervisions can be started throughout the year.

Coaching Supervision in a group

Coaching Supervision can be organized in a group, with 4-6 participants. In a Coaching Supervision group the wisdom of the group can be used when exploring the participant’s topics, which can bring new perspectives and widen the reflection. Coaching Supervision in a group enables the participants to share experiences and learn from each other.

Autumn 2025 starts a new Supervision group. This group will be Supervised together with another Supervisor.

Group Supervision can be organized also for internal coaches, as in-house groups.

”Group Supervision is not a substitute for individual Supervision, or vice versa. They are different paths to learning, on which we learn differently and learn different things.”

(de Haan, 2012)

“I have been working with Pirjo in coaching and coach supervision on and off for the last 5 years. I always find our sessions enlightening and uplifting, helping me to see my way out of the weeds! Pirjo always takes time to contract on what and how I want to work and brings creativity and new techniques to enable new learning at every session.”

Leadership and Team Coach


Let us have a chat to find out whether I would be the right person to support you in your coaching needs.

Contact Pirjo


Thinking Time
+358 40 735 7252